

The Awards are open to all companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Winners of the Awards who are not already a member of CHKLC should become a member to give further support to the promotion of corporate governance and ESG in Hong Kong.

 Benefits of Participating :

● Participating in the Award programme provides a great opportunity to review company’s own corporate governance and ESG policies and measures.

● A chance to focus on strategic business objectives and benefits of corporate governance and ESG.

● Identifying strengths, and weaknesses for improvements.

● Sharing success and enjoying recognition.

Winning companies will have the opportunity to participate in media activities arranged by CHKLC to raise company visibility and create goodwill.

*Please click for the Application Procedures and Forms

Confidentiality and Disclosures

Information supplied in an entry form such as names of applicants, nominators, nominee companies, commentary and scoring information developed during the review of submissions are regarded as proprietary and treated in strict confidence. At the discretion of the joint CHKLC-CCGFP Award Organizing Committee (AOC), such information may be available to those individuals directly involved in the assessment and administrative process.

The organizers cannot be held responsible for any loss of confidentiality or for any damage incurred through the breach of confidentiality or otherwise by the applicants/nominee or any third party.

The names of the award recipients and some additional information submitted in the application may be published as the AOC considers appropriate. Any additional disclosures will be made in consultation with the candidates, but no claims may be made against the organizers as a result of such disclosures.

The organizers of the Awards reserve the right to alter this Award Scheme.